HAI Handbooks

We have created 15 handbooks for different audience groups to support you in living the core principles of the Humanity Awareness worldview. Please click on the icons to read the handbook. You can also download the handbooks and send them to other people by clicking the download button.

Humanity Awareness initiative

Societal Sectors

When a nation has a dominant worldview the policies and procedures of every societal sector are influenced by that worldview. Here you will find a description of the key attributes of Humanity Awareness in each societal sector.


The focus of business in Humanity Awareness will be on creating a meaningful economy that supports the wellbeing of society and the ecology of the planet.
In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, it is recognized that business is a wholly owned subsidiary of society and society is a wholly owned subsidiary of the planet. If the environment collapses, then society will crash, and as COVID – 19 as shown us, if society collapses then business will crash. Consequently, in Humanity Awareness, there will be a significant shift in priorities. Making money will still be important, but not at the expense of the environment or society. All businesses will have a higher purpose that supports the well-being of humanity. Their decision-making will not be dominated by making short-term financial gains, but by building the long-term resilience of society. Businesses will have an overarching purpose that supports the wellbeing of the species. Trade Unions will cooperate with employers and government to develop psychologically healthy cultures.[1]
Business will be organized around three core principles – social purpose, personal and professional development, and social and environmental accountability. To this end, all businesses will sign up to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.[2]

Social purpose
Every industry and business sector will have a governing body that regulates the operations of companies according to an agreed list of universal human values and an overarching social purpose that supports the well-being of humanity and the planet. This governing body will be comprised of representatives from Employers, Trade Unions and Government.

Personal and professional development
Every organization (for profit and not-for-profit) in addition to having a social purpose will have a deliberately developmental framework of education [3] and training for personal development (soft skills) and professional development (hard skills) for all employees.

Social and environmental responsibility
Every organization will be responsible and accountable for its social and environmental impact – external costs that are now borne by society will be internalized. Businesses will recognize they are wholly owned subsidiaries of society, and society is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment. Businesses will also recognize that they are agents for peace – bringing stability through wealth creation and contributing to the support of national welfare and wellbeing programs.

[1] Richard Barrett, The Values-driven Organization: Cultural Health and Human Well-being as a Pathway to Sustainable Performance (London: Routledge), 2017.

[2] https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org

[3] Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey, An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization (Harvard Business School Publishing: Boston), 2016.

Book: The Values-Driven Organization


The focus of leadership in Humanity Awareness will be on building values-driven cultures that support the personal and professional development of employees.
Research at the Barrett Values Centre over the past 20 years has shown that the most successful leaders operate from full spectrum consciousness. Full spectrum leaders have the courage to face their fears, challenge the status quo, persevere when things get tough, risk everything for the cause they believe in, and do all these things without any regard for personal gain. They want to create a better future for everyone – not just their employees and their families, but for the whole of society. To become a full spectrum leader, you must first learn to lead yourself: if you cannot lead yourself, you cannot lead a team. You must then learn how to lead a team: if you cannot lead a team, you cannot lead an organization.
Full spectrum leaders have a personal touch. They stay in contact and are accessible to their colleagues. They manage by values; they measure their organizational culture; and they focus on their own psychological development as well as the psychological development of their people.[1]

At the core of the transition of business in Humanity Awareness will be a shift in focus from short-term financial results to long-term societal goals. Increasingly, businesses will be organized around cooperative principles.

This quote from Daniel Goleman sums up the type of leadership we will find in Humanity Awareness.

‘Great leaders do not settle for systems as they are, but see what they could become, and so work to transform them for the better, to benefit the widest circle. Then there are those rare souls who shift beyond mere competence to wisdom, and so operate on behalf of society itself rather than a specific political group or business. They are free to think far, far ahead. Their aperture encompasses the welfare of humanity at large, not a single group; they see people as We, not as Us and Them. And they leave a legacy for future generations – these are the leaders we remember a century or more later.’[2]

[1] Richard Barrett, The New Leadership Paradigm (Bath: Fulfilling Books), 2010.

[2] Daniel Goleman, Focus: The Inner Driver of Excellence (New York: HarperCollins), 2013.

Book: The New Leadership Paradigm


The focus on the environment in Humanity Awareness will be on improving our natural environment for the benefit of future generations.
In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, we will design our businesses and our homes to use renewable energy, minimize consumption, and generate zero waste. We will replace all plastics with biodegradable alternatives; we will eliminate the use of pesticides; we will go beyond sustainability to focus on ecological resilience; we will attempt to repair the damage we have done to our environment, and we will begin to recognize that theEarth has much to teach us, such as the importance of nurturing diversity and the interdependence of all living systems. In Humanity Awareness we will learn to steward the Earth and conserve its natural resources. We will all spend more time in nature, particularly with our children; we will rely on nature to nurture our souls.
In Wealth Awareness we depleted the Earth’s resources in search of profits. In People Awareness we began to correct our ways: we started to recognize the adverse impacts we were having on our environment and began to focus on environmental sustainability. This led to the creation of the Green Parties.

The first Green Parties were created in the 1970s. There are now Green Parties in more than 90 countries. The Global Greens Charter lists six guiding principles: ecological wisdom, social justice, participatory democracy, nonviolence, sustainability and respect for diversity. In the worldview of People Awareness, we began to focus on recycling and reducing carbon emissions.

We will all spend more time in nature, particularly with our children; we will rely on nature to nurture our souls; and we will not let economic gain get in the way of preserving and enhancing our natural environment. The quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat will be our top priority. There will be no food products that are not organic. In addition to focusing on our own health, we will start to focus on the health of all living creatures and the planet itself.


The focus of governance in Humanity Awareness will be on creating a political system where all age groups and sectors of society are represented.

In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, we will recognize that party politics are no longer relevant because everyone is able to meet their basic needs. The focus will be on meeting citizen’s growth needs. Professional politicians will be replaced by local and national delegates representing different age groups. There will be direct representation by the people around the core idea of creating social and psychological wellbeing for everyone. With this focus on the needs of different age groups we will need new metrics. Among the key new metrics will be indicators that focus on well-being, physical and mental health, empathy, compassion, and kindness.Above all else the focus of our governance systems will be on creating the conditions that support the self-realization of all citizens.  
Politics in the worldview of Wealth Awareness was all about money. The high-income people had their political party, and the low-income people had their political party. This resulted in increasingly high levels of inequality.

Governance in the worldview of People Awareness solved the problem of inequality by focusing on the basic needs of everyone – not the rich, not the poor, but everyone. All political parties shifted their focus to the centre and a general acceptance of the need for a market economy and a welfare state. As a result of the acceptance of this core ideology, it became increasingly difficult to distinguish between political parties. The worldview of People Awareness shifted national governments from two-party adversarial politics to multi-party cooperative coalitions.

The key issue in Humanity Awareness will be to create a governance system that deliberately develops and carefully cultivates ‘a deeper kind of welfare system that includes the psychological, social and emotional aspects of human beings, so that the average person, over the length of his or her lifespan, becomes much more secure, authentic and happy. Once the average person is much more secure, authentic and happy, he or she also tends (on average) to develop into a braver, more mature, more idealistic and reasonable person who cooperates more easily with others and makes better priorities, both individually and politically. Such people can then recreate society in a myriad of ways, solving many of the complex, wicked problems that we are facing today.’[1]

[1] Hanzi Freinacht, The Listening Society: A Metamodern Guide to Politics, Book 1: Volume 1 (Metamoderna Aps), 2017.

Further reading: Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations


The focus on health in Humanity Awareness will be on energy and psychotherapeutic approaches to healing.
In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, we will see a significant shift in the dominant healing modalities and an increased focus on health maintenance and health education.  This shift will come about through a deeper understanding of the impact of ego–soul dynamics on the human energy field; the importance of cultural and environmental factors on physical and mental well-being; and the need to shift to organic methods of food production. We will also see a merging of Eastern and Western approaches to medicine. In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, surgery and drugs will become the healing modalities of the last resort. Health practitioners will be trained in the care of the soul.
In the worldview of State Awareness, herbs and plants were used for healing. In the worldview of Nation Awareness, sacrifice and prayers were used for healing. In the worldview of Wealth Awareness, surgery and drugs were used for healing. In the worldview of People Awareness, in addition to surgery and drugs, we begin to see the introduction of alternative healing modalities involving the mind–body connection. In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, we will see a significant increase in psychotherapeutic and energy approaches to healing.

In Humanity Awareness there will be a shift in the understanding of who we really are. We will recognize that we are primarily energetic beings living in material bodies. We will come to realize that health disorders, mental and physical, reflect the energetic misalignment between the energy behind our ego’s motivations and the energy behind our soul’s motivations.

A discussion on the linkage between the stages of psychological development and physical and mental disorders resulting from a failure to master a particular stage of development can be found in A New Psychology of Human Well-Being: An Exploration of the Influence of Ego-Soul Dynamics on Mental and Physical Health. The precise nature of these linkages is still a work in progress and needs more research.


The focus of education in Humanity Awareness will be the full realization of the natural gifts and talents of every child.
In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, our education systems will be child centred. Children will be encouraged to develop their full self-expression, to connect with others in unconditional loving relationships.  and to contribute to the well-being of their community. There will be a strong support for the emotional and mental health of our children by teaching them how to make values-based decisions, practise mindfulness and engage in daily meditation. In Humanity Awareness, education systems will extend beyond the normal school years. We will be engaged in lifelong learning programmes that support people in mastering each of the adult stages of psychological development.
It is important to recognize that school systems are organized to teach children what they need to know to support the dominant worldview. Thus, in the worldview of State Awareness there is a strong focus on physical fitness, sports, strategy and combat skills. In the worldview of Nation Awareness there is a strong focus on reading, writing and religious knowledge. In the worldview of Wealth Awareness there is a strong focus on mathematics, science, economics and business skills. In the worldview of People Awareness there is a strong focus on gender relations and emotional intelligence skills.

In Humanity Awareness, our education systems will focus on teaching people of all ages how to increase their sense of wellbeing.

Further reading: From My Heart: Transforming Lives Through Values

Article: We are born creative geniuses but the education system dumbs us down.

Video: 98% of five-year olds have genius level creativity. 2% of adults have genius level creativity. Why?


The focus of gender relations in Humanity Awareness will be one quality and partnerships that acknowledge the need to balance everyone’s masculine and feminine energies.
In the worldview ofHumanity Awareness, women and men are equal partners. The sexes acknowledge each other’s respective strengths and use them in appropriate circumstances. Men and women are open and honest with each other, particularly about their needs and feelings.They learn how to engage in challenging conversations that require emotional fearlessness. In this regard the two sexes have much to teach each other, particularly in the domain of evolutionary intelligence. Men tend to overcome threats through power and strength. Women tend to overcome threats through bonding and cooperation. Both these energies are needed if our leaders are to build a sustainable future for humanity.
It is sad, but true, that men have been dominating and deprecating women in public life for more than three millennia. This is still the case in nations that embrace the worldviews of State Awareness, Nation Awareness and Wealth Awareness. Women are treated like servants, slaves and sexual objects in the worldview of State Awareness. In the worldview of Nation Awareness, they are ‘tolerated’ but not encouraged to contribute. They are only revered if they are a successful warrior (Joan of Arc), a successful monarch (Queen Elizabeth I) or can beat men at their own games. In the worldview of Wealth Awareness, women are only considered useful if they contribute to the economy, but their work is not valued as highly as men.

In People Awareness, women got an equal voice, equal opportunities and equal status to men in public life – equality is still a work in progress in business life. So, what’s next? What will happen to gender relations in the worldview of Humanity Awareness?

In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, women and men are no longer collaborators, they are partners. They each acknowledge the others’ respective strengths and use them in appropriate circumstances.

The key to gender relations in the worldview of Humanity Awareness is not external equality (that is, what we learned in People Awareness), but internal equality – each gender becoming whole through the integration of female energies of Yin in the male, and the integration of male energies of Yang in the female.


The focus of the justice system in Humanity Awareness will be on restoring people to wholeness and the full reintegration of wrongdoers into society.
In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, there is a recognition that people commit crimes because of the psychological conditioning they experienced during their childhood and teenage years in the parental and community frameworks of their existence. They learned to survive and get their needs met in the best way they could. All those who commit crimes will undergo a deep psychological evaluation. They will be helped and supported in their psychological rehabilitation. Every wrongdoer will be assigned a mentor/coach – someone they can turn to for guidance as they attempt to master their subconscious limiting beliefs and reintegrate themselves into society. The idea of punishment and prisons will become measures of the last resort.
The fundamental purpose of justice has always been to protect the internal stability of a society by preventing and punishing actions that could destabilize the dominant worldview.
In the worldview of State Awareness, justice is focused on protecting the power of the elites. Severe punishments act as a fear-based deterrent for stabilizing the power of the ruling aristocracy. Torture as a means of getting to the truth is considered acceptable. Instantaneous punishment by death and physical maiming are common practice in the worldview of State Awareness.

In the worldview of Nation Awareness, justice is focused on supporting moral righteousness. Courts are made up of religious or high-ranking State officials. This leaves the courts open to manipulation by the elites. In this worldview, the elites tend to get less severe punishments than the common people. The ultimate punishment in this worldview is the death penalty.

In the worldview of Wealth Awareness, justice is focused on moral and economic fairness. Justice is administered by independent courts and suitably qualified citizens who decide on the outcome of a trial. Punishment for serious crimes can include heavy fines and long periods of incarceration. There is no capital punishment in nations that operate from the worldview of Wealth Awareness.

In the worldview of People Awareness, justice is also focused on moral and economic fairness; even though punishments involve fines and/or incarceration, a strong emphasis is placed on rehabilitation so that wrongdoers can reintegrate into society and recidivism is reduced. There is no capital punishment in the worldview of People Awareness.

A key component of the justice system in Humanity Awareness will be inter-generational fairness – a shift from a focus on societal short-term gains to long-term benefits that support both people and the environment. For this to happen, we must encourage long-term social and environmental investing; and, most importantly, we must give the young a voice in key decision-making. Theirs is the future; they must have a say on the world we are creating (see the section on Governance).


The focus of the arts in Humanity Awareness will be on what it has always been, supporting full human self-expression
The Arts have always held a special place in society because it is through this medium that we fully expose the inner workings of the human mind and the gifts that lie at the deepest levels of our psyche. It is through the Arts that we access the creativity of our souls – the gifts we came to give. Watching others express themselves gives us the courage to do the same. By accessing our inner talents, we not only grow, we also find personal fulfilment. The Arts hold the key to the flourishing of humanity. As such the Arts should be given special importance in our education systems. Every child below the age of five has genius level creativity. We need to nurture that creativity so they can  bring it fruition in their adult lives.
Most of us do not let our light out, because we are afraid that our offering will not be good enough; that it will be judged unworthy. So, we watch and listen to the works of the courageous souls who are attempting to make their perfect offering, secretly hoping that through their inspiration we can find the courage to access our own light within. We fail only because we lack the courage to embrace our unique gifts and talents, or we prioritize success over well-being, or status over self-expression.

The arts can be used to mirror our inadequacies and inspire us to become more fully who we are; to access our gifts and talents and make them public. Most importantly, the arts can be used to tell inspiring stories about how Humanity Awareness is creating a better world for everyone.

The arts hold the key to the flourishing of Humanity Awareness, because Humanity Awareness corresponds to the fifth stage of psychological development –self-actualization, the stage where we learn to access our soul's self-expression. The Arts provide an avenue for us to express our unique gifts and talents in service to the growth and well-being of humanity. In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, children are encouraged to creatively express their natural skills and talents.

One of the major personal benefits about participating in the Arts is that you make strong connections, especially if you are involved in drama, dance, opera, all forms of choral work, or music. You experience cooperation, collaboration, and friendship, and when it all comes together, you experience a sense of Unity. Music and dance are particularly bonding for audiences because they enable you to feel a sense of emotional connection without the barrier of language.


The focus of parenting in Humanity Awareness will be on encouraging and supporting children in fully expressing their creativity and becoming responsible and accountable members of society.
In the words of Kahlil Gibran, “Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.” The soul of your child has chosen you as its steward to help it to learn to fully express its unique character. Your stewardship begins the moment your child is conceived; it continues until your child is ready to take responsibility for its life as an independent adult. When this time arrives, you must let go. “You must give them your love but not your thoughts, for they will have their own thoughts. … You may strive to be like them but seek not to make them like you.”
There is no doubt in my mind that you are wonderfully privileged if you have a child.  You may have much to teach your child, but never forget for a moment that your child may have much to teach you. Just like you, your child is a soul. You are equal in this regard. You share the same origins and at the deepest level of being you share the same universal values, but you do not share the same gifts and talents. In this regard, every soul is unique. Every soul has its own form of self-expression. Your job is to nurture and support your child’s self-expression, just as it was your parents’ job to nurture and support yours.

That is your primary role as a parent – to give your child’s soul the opportunity to express its unique character: not to fashion it; not to mold it or make it into a replica of you, but to give it the space to grow and flourish in a fear-free environment so your child may become all it can become. You must also teach your child how to connect with other children and contribute to the well-being of their peer group.

Always treat your child as an equal. You may bring your experience and learning to the relationship but allow your child to make its own informed choices: allow it to learn the repercussions and responsibilities involved in decision-making. If you can do this, you will be setting your child up to make responsible choices later in life. Your job is to assure your offspring’s survival, safety and security during its infant, childhood and teenage years, so that it grows up without a self-critical voice and without subconscious fears.

Once your child has left home, your job as a parent is not finished. You must become their trusted advisor – someone your child can turn to when they get embroiled in the vicissitudes of life. The soul of your child has its own destiny: you must allow and support it in its unfolding. In this regard it is important that you are aware of the seven stages of psychological development – the journey the soul goes through in its attempt to find fulfilment in our three-dimensional material plane of awareness.


The dominant cosmology in Humanity Awareness, will be to support people in understanding, and expressing the energetic nature of their being.
In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, the underlying cosmology is soul awareness – a subjective experience of our energetic reality and the source of our true being. You don’t have to call it soul awareness, nor do you have to embrace the idea that you have or are a soul; what is essential if you want to embrace the cosmology of Humanity Awareness is that you feel a strong sense of connection to all human beings, exclusive of nationality, race, religion, age, or gender. The unique feature of the cosmology of Humanity Awareness is that it brings together psychology, spirituality and the cutting-edge theories of science into an overarching framework of understanding with the soul at the centre. We let go of our attachment to the material dimension of existence and embrace the energetic dimension – the dimension that bring vitality to our lives.
At the core of every worldview is an underlying cosmology. In the worldview of People Awareness, the underlying cosmology was spirituality – a subjective experience of other dimensions of being and an exploration of the deepest values and meanings by which people live.

Whereas the focus of spirituality is on the ‘journey’, the focus of the cosmology of Humanity Awareness is on the ‘destination’ – the retrieval of soul consciousness – the awareness we had when we were born, which we lost when the pain of being present in material awareness became too great for our soul to bear. To protect itself, the soul created the psychic entity we call the ego to act as a buffer – to soak up the pain that comes from the experience of fear and separation.

Although we live our lives in physical awareness, we know we are not of this world. When we die, we do not lose consciousness; we simply divest ourselves of our bodies and our material awareness and move back into our full energetic awareness. Our physical body is the vehicle the soul uses to get around in material awareness, and until we recover our soul, the ego is the driver.

This understanding of the energetic nature of our being has major implications for health and healing. In the worldview of Humanity Awareness, we recognize that all mental and physical dis-ease arises from a lack of energetic alignment between the values and motivations of the ego and the values and motivations of the soul.

Souls incarnate into the three-dimensional material awareness to fulfil three desires: to fully express their gifts and talents; to connect with other souls to make a difference in the world; and to contribute to the well-being of humanity and the planet. The degree to which we fulfil these desires significantly affects our mental and physical well-being.

These links provide a deeper understanding of the cosmology of soul awareness:

•We don’t have souls, we are souls.
•What it means to live in soul consciousness.

•A New Psychology of Human Well-Being: An Exploration of the Influence of Ego-Soul Dynamics on Mental and Physical Health.
•What my soul told me
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